Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Win A Free Copy of Packt's “Android Development Tools for Eclipse”

We are pleased to announce that we are organizing a giveaway especially for you. All you need to do is just comment below the post and win a free copy of Android Development Tools for Eclipse. Two lucky winners stand a chance to win copy of the book. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky One.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Sencha Touch 2: Add spinner field with increment/decrement value

As requested by one of my reader, today we are going to see how to add Spinner form field (Ext.field.Spinner) in Sencha Touch 2. Also we are going to see how to apply increment/decrement values by clicking '+' and '-' icons in the Spinner Fields.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

PHP: Generate Cross Site Request Forgery Token (CSRF)

Today, we are going to see how to generate CSRF Token Which is used to prevent the invalid access to the web application using $_GET and $_POST Requests in PHP.  Here is the PHP Code which will generate unique token of size 32 charcters hexadecimal number.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Book Review: Android Development Tools for Eclipse by Sanjay Shah, Khirulnizam, Abd Rahman

I have been reading Android Development Tools for Eclipse book by Sanjay Shah, Khirulnizam, Abd Rahman. This book is published by PACKT Publishing. I really enjoyed reading this Book and i have learned lot of new and interesting things about Android development platform using Eclipse IDE and various steps in order to package, signing and distribute the android application (APK) into the Google Play App Store . This book contains eight chapters with 150 pages and my review for this book as follows.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Twitter Bootstrap 3: How to create a Registration form

Today we are going to see how to create a Basic Registration form using Twitter Bootstrap 3. If you don't have idea about Twitter Bootstrap. please read my previous post. We are going to create a registration form using HTML5 form elements and with the help of bootstrap CSS classes, we will make the registration form a responsive one.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Design responsive web sites using CSS3 Media Queries and HTML5

Today, we are going to see how to apply CSS Styles based on your access device resolution and size. I hope you have already heard about Responsive Web Design. let me explain what it is?.

Responsive web design  is used to design websites for different access device resolution and size. Yourweb site will be accessed by desktop, tablets, smart phone devices (Android, IOS) etc.  Each device will have a different screen size. If your website needs to adapt for all those device sizes and  have good look and feel, you need to design your sites to be responsive using Responsive Web Design.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Responsive Web: About flexible image in HTML and CSS

Today, i am developing a responsive design website using HTML5 and CSS3. I came across a problem i.e image display is exceeding the width and height of the parent element container. Let me explain with an example

<div style="width: 15%">
    <img src= "myimage.jpg"/>

image (myimage.jpg) is of size 350x480 pixels, Following is the output

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Twitter Bootstrap 3: Create Web Page with logo and navigation bar

Today we are going to see how to create an header section of an HTML5 webpage that contains Logo, Search Box and Navaigation Menu using Twitter Bootstrap framework.  Below you will find the final output followed by HTML Code

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Create an HTML5 webpage using the Twitter Bootstrap 3

For past few weeks, I started working on Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework. I am really impressed on this framework and i like to add some post on this. Today we are going to see what is Twitter Bootstrap and how to create a basic web page in Twitter Bootstrap 3.

What is Twitter Bootstrap:

Twitter Bootstrap is a CSS Framework that is used to design web pages including Responsive designs web pages using HTML5, CSS and Javascript. You don't require any prior design knowledge in order to use this framework. It is one of the easiest CSS framework available in the industry today. Twitter Bootstrap has already written the CSS styles for you, has inbuilt jQuery support and also has some popular JavaScript tools like transitions, popup etc. You just need to include the corresponding CSS classes in the HTML tags based on your requirement.