Thursday, 27 March 2014

Add custom configuration properties for component classes in Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch component classes comes with default configurations. Let's say for Ext.Button component classes, following are some of the default configurations
  • cls
  • style
  • text
  • id
  • itemId
  • and so on
In addition to that, Sencha touch also supports adding your own configuration properties. Let's see an example by adding custom configurations for button class components.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Book Review: Learning Android Intents by Packt publishers

I got a chance to review this eBook Learning Android Intents by Muhammad Usama bin Aftab and Wajahat Karim. This book contains around 300 pages with nine chapters and published by Packt Publishers.

This book "Learning Android Intents" begins explaining about the introduction on Android and proceed with explaining about the various Intent services available for the android platform. Following are some of the Intent Services available in this eBook with detailed explanation.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Packt Publishing celebrates their 2000th title with an exclusive offer - We've got IT covered!

Known for their extensive range of pragmatic IT ebooks, Packt Publishing are celebrating their 2000th book title 'Learning Dart'– they want their customers to celebrate too.
To mark this milestone Packt Publishing will launch a 'Buy One Get One Free' offer across all eBooks on March 18th – for a limited period only.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Apply animation for buttons in Sencha Touch 2

In Sencha Touch 2, button component supports animation using showAnimation and hideAnimation configurations. These configuration will be applied when the button is hidden and shown in the viewport. Let's see the implementation followed by the browser output.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Implement single inheritance for config object in Sencha Touch 2

Today, we are going to see how to apply single inheritance for component config object using Ext.apply() method in Sencha Touch 2. This Ext.apply() method accept three parameters and returns the final object.

Object:  The receiver of the config properties
Config: The source of the config properties
defaults: The different object that will also be applied for default values.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

App Inspector Chrome extension for debugging Sencha and ExtJs applications

App Inspector is an extension from Google Chrome DevTools for debugging Sencha Touch and ExtJs applications. This extension tool will help you to inspect the sencha component DOM tree, data stores, events and layouts.

App Inspector Tool has been developed by Sencha Labs and released as a free web developer tool extension for Google Chrome browser. Following are the features supported by App Inspector exyension.
  • Component Inspector: quickly and easily navigate the Component tree, highlighting components in the DOM and viewing their properties.
  • Store Inspector: view the data stores in your app and explore individual records.
  • Layout Profiles: intelligently dissect application layouts to identify potential performance and display problems.
  • Event Monitor: record Observable events.

App Inspector for Sencha also detects the framework and package versions used in your application, so it’s easy to identify the specifications for individual applications. Please find the snapshot image on the App Inspector tool in my chrome browser developer tool.
For more detailed information regarding this extension tool installation and its supported features. Please refer the Sencha Blog Site.

You can contribute to the extension by visiting the GitHub  Source Code.

Monday, 10 March 2014

How to add Bar chart in Sencha Touch 2

In my personal Project 'Expense Tracker', i need to integrate Bar Chart using Cartesian Chart  in order to track by expenses based on my categories. I successfully integrated Bar chart in my Expense Tracker App. Here is the final output