App Inspector is an extension from
Google Chrome DevTools for debugging Sencha Touch and ExtJs applications. This extension tool will help you to inspect the sencha component DOM tree, data stores, events and layouts.
App Inspector Tool has been developed by
Sencha Labs and released as a free web developer tool extension for Google Chrome browser. Following are the features supported by App Inspector exyension.
- Component Inspector: quickly and easily navigate the Component tree, highlighting components in the DOM and viewing their properties.
- Store Inspector: view the data stores in your app and explore individual records.
- Layout Profiles: intelligently dissect application layouts to identify potential performance and display problems.
- Event Monitor: record Observable events.
App Inspector for Sencha also detects the framework and package versions used in your application, so it’s easy to identify the specifications for individual applications. Please find the snapshot image on the App Inspector tool in my chrome browser developer tool.
For more detailed information regarding this extension tool installation and its supported features. Please refer the
Sencha Blog Site.
You can contribute to the extension by visiting the
GitHub Source Code.