If you are not familiar with creating Basic XML using simpleXML. First read this Post. Today, we are going to see how to create Nested XML as shown below using SimpleXML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Create a new simpleXML object with root element (users) using SimpleXMLElement()
$users = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?></users>');
Add child element (user) to the root element (users) using addChild(). This addChild() will return the reference of the child element added.
$user = $users->addChild('user');
There are 2 child elements (begineer and advanced) present under 'user' element and these needed to be added using addChild().
$begineer = $user->addChild('begineer');
$advanced = $user->addChild('advanced');
Now $begineer will contain reference of 'begineer' element and $advanced will contain reference of 'advanced' element.
We need to add 'courses' child element to both 'begineer' and 'advanced' element.
$begineercourses = $begineer->addChild('courses');
$advancedcourses = $advanced->addChild('courses');
We need to add 'course' child element to both begineer and advanced courses.
use asXML(), which will convert SimpleXML Object to well-formed XML string and output to browser.
you can use header() function with 'Content-Type:text/xml' which will tell the browser that we are going to output XML data.
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $users->asXML();
Following is the combined code for creating Nested XML using SimpleXML
$users = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?></users>');
$user = $users->addChild('user');
$begineer = $user->addChild('begineer');
$advanced = $user->addChild('advanced');
$begineercourses = $begineer->addChild('courses');
$advancedcourses = $advanced->addChild('courses');
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $users->asXML();
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