In Ext JS4, proxy reader will allow to specify root element property for your response (JSON, XML etc) in order to parse the response data. There will be a situation, where your response data doesn't contain root element (or) the root element will vary for each request of same model/store.
We can achieve this by specifying a custom property in model/store proxy config and handle this property by overriding class.
In your Model Class proxy config, there is a custom property optionalRoot with element name data.
In override js ,
Hope, you enjoyed this Post.
In Ext JS4, proxy reader will allow to specify root element property for your response (JSON, XML etc) in order to parse the response data. There will be a situation, where your response data doesn't contain root element (or) the root element will vary for each request of same model/store.
We can achieve this by specifying a custom property in model/store proxy config and handle this property by overriding class.
In your Model Class proxy config, there is a custom property optionalRoot with element name data.
proxy:{ type: 'json',
root: 'data', optionalRoot: 'data' //custom property ... .. }
In override js ,
Ext.override(, { readRecords: function(data) { // if the root element "data" not present in response, then take the whole response as root. For this set root as "". if(this.optionalRoot){ if(this.root != "" && data[this.optionalRoot] == undefined ){ this.root =""; this.buildExtractors(); }else{ this.root = this.optionalRoot; this.buildExtractors(); } } var me = this, //this has to be before the call to super because we use the meta data in the superclass readRecords if (me.getMeta) { meta = me.getMeta(data); if (meta) { me.onMetaChange(meta); } } else if (data.metaData) { me.onMetaChange(data.metaData); } /** * @property {Object} jsonData * A copy of this.rawData. * @deprecated Will be removed in Ext JS 5.0. This is just a copy of this.rawData - use that instead. */ me.jsonData = data; return me.callParent([data]); } });
Hope, you enjoyed this Post.
Refer to this Suresh...i think you will appreciate this
ReplyDeleteThanks for contacting me. Yes, you are right. We can use setRootProperty() for dynamic rootproperty.
Suresh Ariya