Wednesday 27 March 2024

Getting Started with GitHub Copilot GPT-3 AI Model

Github Copilot is the future of software development, which helps the developers to build productive and good quality of Software. Github Copilot is an AI pair programmer that helps you write code faster and with less work. It is similar to Code Completion tool, but it's been designed with ChatGPT-3 Algorithm . It draws context from comments and code to suggest individual lines and whole functions instantly. GitHub Copilot is powered by OpenAI Codex, a generative pre-trained language model created by OpenAI.

Github Copilot  has been trained with the GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence Model. Here are the advantages for GPT-3 AI Model.

  • It's stand for Generative Pre Trainer Transformer
  • It' has been trainedwith more than 100 billion parameters / Source Code. Mostly Open Source Code
  • It generates Source Code based on the language you pick. It will generate decent code which won't be production ready. As per their docs and research survey, Github Copilot will generates 46 % of code and remaining 54% of code will be written by developers.

How to use GitHub Copilot

To use GitHub Copilot, you need to have a subscription to GitHub Copilot for Individuals or GitHub Copilot for Business. (Free trials are available). You also need to install the GitHub Copilot extension for Visual Studio Code or the JetBrains IDE plugin. Once you have the extension or plugin installed, you can start using GitHub Copilot in your editor.

GitHub Copilot works by analyzing the code and comments in your file and suggesting relevant code snippets that you can accept or reject. You can also write natural language prompts to ask GitHub Copilot to generate code for specific tasks or scenarios.

After, you signup to Github Copilot from the Visual Studio Code, You will see Copilot Chatbot icon in left hand side (last one).

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