Thursday 4 April 2024

how to upgrade react native app using expo

Upgrading a React Native app that uses Expo involves updating the version of Expo SDK and then updating your project. 

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Once you know the latest version, you can update your package.json file to use this version. For example, if the latest version is 42.0.0, you would update your package.json like so:

"dependencies": {

  "expo": "^42.0.0"


  • After updating your package.json, you need to update your Node modules. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install

  • Now that your Node modules are updated, you need to apply these updates to your Expo project. Expo provides a command-line tool called expo upgrade that can help with this. You can use it by running the following commands in your terminal:

expo upgrade

  • The upgrade command will apply the updates to your Expo project. However, it might not be able to apply all updates automatically. In this case, you will need to apply these updates manually. The Expo documentation can help you with this. It provides a guide for each version that details any breaking changes and necessary updates.

  • After applying all updates, you should test your app to make sure everything still works as expected.

Remember to always backup your project before performing an upgrade. Upgrading can sometimes introduce breaking changes, and having a backup allows you to revert back if something goes wrong.

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