Wednesday 29 May 2024

Maxim Salnikov: Leveraging GitHub Copilot Chat syntax

 GitHub Copilot Chat is an incredibly powerful and useful feature that allows you to chat with or about your code. Even though it’s 100% natural language-friendly (i.e., you can send your messages without using any specific syntax), leveraging some special chat capabilities can unlock new AI-assisted development scenarios and significantly boost your productivity. 

These powerful features, which you can use by applying special syntax, include chat participants, slash commands, and context variables. Note that the described features are available in VS Code and might not be fully supported in other IDEs where GitHub Copilot Chat is available. 

Target your question or request by messaging one of the available chat participants 

In GitHub Copilot Chat, you can reference one of the AI-powered “domain experts” using conventional chat syntax—by prepending @ to the participant name. The currently available chat participants are: 

  • @workspace: Knows everything about the code in your currently open workspace. This is the chat participant you will most likely communicate with frequently. 
  • @terminal: Knows all about the integrated terminal shell, its contents, and its buffer. 
  • @vscode: Knows about the VS Code editor, its commands, and features. 

Example: Let’s get information about the backend part of the project we’ve just been assigned to by asking the @workspace chat participant right after we open the project folder in VS Code.

Inspired by the Daily Dev Blog Post by Maxim Salnikov. Refer the below links

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